Keseh Morgan


Romance during a revolution & quarantine? Love in Covid-19 crisis? As often as self-care comes up in discussion.  Why doesn’t couple-care come up as often? Let us start with the obvious.  Sheltering at home is not what anyone wants to do right now. How can we make the most of this crazy time? Zooms and online yoga classes help the days fly by, but what about a little extra love and affection for your quarantine partner. Making the most of this time with the person you are with. Relationships are finding this time unusually stressful. We are all being pushed to our maximums. Our bodies have gone from fun procreate mode into survival mode. Kids at home to school, jobs lost, money is scarce and there is so much bread to bake. Planning a romantic evening could do us all some good. Let us take the idea of self-care to the next level by sharing with someone else.

Romance does not necessarily come easy to majority of us. There is always a stigma that more is better. Pretty woman anyone? Money is not what makes romance better, thoughtfulness is what makes romance better. A trip to Paris completes with fresh croissants, gourmet cheese and a bike ride around Versailles is probably in most of our top 10 romantic dates. However, in the time of Corona virus, more than ever simplicity and thoughtfulness are key.

A Bath Bar team favorite way to turn up the at home romance is to order in. Thank you to all the mammas and papas that are cooking a million meals a week. It's time to give each other a break all the while supporting local businesses. Even if you order in a pizza or tacos from your local hang.  Share this when the kids are in bed. Those sweet children are resilient and will be okay if mom and dad have a special night together.

Bath Bar wants you to turn up the heat a little bit. Here is the challenge. You and your partner get dressed up. I know! That is the hardest part of this all.  If your clothes do not fit, or are a little tighter than normal, that is okay. Put on a clean pair of pajamas. The idea is to just feel and look your best. Next up, do your hair and throw on some lipstick & earrings. Followed by a perfume rollette on your oh so sexy pulse points. Finally lay out a blanket, light some candles and throw on a classic love story.  Small gestures feel big in these moments of uncertainty. Enjoy each other and let yourselves forget for one night about the rest of the world. Do you accept the challenge? I guarantee you will love the rewards. 

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